Frequently Asked Questions
Your Trusted Digital Payment Solution Provider

For Partners
Why should you choose to be a part of the Gkash?
As a Gkash partner, you not only get to earn unbeatable commissions but also offer delightful and convenient digital payments experience for your customers.
Who can be Gkash Merchant?
We are welcome all the business industry, except (Please view prohibited industry)
Prohibited Business
- Merchants on MATCH
- Prohibited Card Brand Merchant and Merchant types (all)
- Prohibited Bank Merchant and Merchant types (all)
- Age Verification
- Airlines including Chartered Flight
- In-flight Duty Free or In-Flight Services
- Animal Breeding including Illegal Wildlife Trade and Elephant Ivory
- Any merchant operating outside Malaysia
- Bail Bond Services
- Bankruptcy Lawyers
- Bidding Fee Auctions including Penny Auctions
- Brand or Reputational damaging, potential or otherwise, activities including Bestiality, Child Pornography, Escort Services, Mail Order Brides, Occult Materials
- Buyers clubs
- Check Cashing and Payment Facilitator Services
- Collection Agencies engaged in the collection of uncollectible debt as defined by the Payment Brands
- Commodity Trading or Security Trading
- Credit Card Protection or ID Theft Protection
- Credit Counseling, Credit Repair or Restoration Services
- Credit Repair Agencies
- Cruise Line
- Currency, Commodity Exchange
- Cyberlocker Merchants (also known as file-hosting services, cloud-based storage services and online file-storage),
- Archival File Storage (for remote access)
- File Transfer (facilitation of transfer or storage of large files)
- File-Sharing (distribution of files via download or “streaming”)
- Delayed Delivery Merchants where the good or service the merchant is providing the cardholder is not shipped, delivered or fulfilled when the card transaction is processed but is to occur at a future date
Debt Elimination, Debt Reduction or Debt Consulting Services
- Digital Wallet or Prepaid Companies
- Direct Marketing- Continuity or Subscription Merchants including MCC 5968 and & 5969
- Direct Marketing-Travel Related Arrangement Services including MCC 5962
- Direct Marketing-Inbound Telemarketing including videotext services and MCC 5967
- Discount Medical or Dental plans including Discount Insurance
- Discount Coupon Merchants or Online sites
- Distressed Property Sales and/or Marketing
- Drug Paraphernalia
- E-Cash
- E-Cigarettes (Internet/MOTO)
- Extended Warranty Companies
- Firearms including Ammunition (Internet/MOTO)
- Fantasy Sports
- Financial Services such as Investment Consulting and Stock Broker
- Gambling (Online) – including but not limited to
o Lotteries/ Internet Gaming
o Contests
o Raffles
o Sweepstakes
o Offering of prizes as an inducement to purchase goods or services
- · Gift Certificates
- Gun Dealers and/or Ammunition sales (face-to-face)
- Golf Clubs/Accessories (online only)
- Goods or services that represent a violation of any law, statute or regulation, or any merchant engaged in any illegal activity
- High interest rate non-bank consumer lending including payday lending and title loans
- In house financing (such as “buy here pay here”)
- Inbound Telemarketing with an Up-Sell
- Infomercial
- Investment or “Get Rich Quick” Merchants, Businesses, Programs or Opportunities
- Internet Malls
- Long Distance and Teleservices
- Loan payments transacted on a payment branded credit card
- Marketing Activities involving “pay only for shipping” and/or “free trial” periods
- Marketing Activities involving the use of affiliates/affiliate networks
- Marketplaces
- Marketing Activities involving “pay only for shipping” and/or “free trial” periods
- Marijuana dispensaries and related products or services (medical or otherwise)
- Prize, Sweepstakes, Contests or Special Incentives offered as an inducement to purchase a product and/or service (any merchant)
- Negative option, renewal, or continuity subscription practices (any merchant)
- Money Transfer businesses, Wire Transfers, Money Orders, Transmitters, and Check Cashing including merchants required to be registered as Money Service Business
- Mortgage Reduction Services
- Multi-level Marketing services including Ponzi and Pyramid selling
- Outbound Telemarketing and Telecom merchants including MCCs 4814, 4816, 5966
- Pawn Shops
- Payday Lenders
- Personal Enhancement Products, Supplements and/or Nutraceuticals
- Pharmacies (Internet/MOTO)
- Pharmacy Referral Sites (Internet/MOTO)
- Prepaid Phone Cards, Phone Services and Cellphones
- Products, services or activities that are deceptive, unfair, predatory or prohibited by one or more Card Brands
- Products that infringe on the intellectual property rights of others, including counterfeit goods or any product or service that infringes on the copyright, trademark or trade secrets of any third party (any merchant)
- Programs on how to apply for low interest credit cards
- Pseudo-Pharmaceuticals (Nutraceuticals & Supplements) – including but not limited to:
o anti-aging pills
o sex nutrients
o diet pills
- Psychic Services
- Quasi-Cash or Stored Value
- Real Estate Flipping
- Rebate-based Businesses or any merchant business model for products/services that are solely based on guaranteed “rebate”, “refund” or “prize” associated with the sale of those products/services (especially those where the rebate or refund equals or exceeds the product/service purchase price or value)
- Sales for payment that resulted from another commercial entity providing goods or services to the cardholder, including those businesses that may otherwise qualify themselves as a Payment Service or Payment Facilitator (any merchant)
- Scrip-dispensing terminals accepting credit cards (any merchant)
- Selling or Sales of Social Media Activity
- Sexually Oriented or Pornographic Products and Services (all media types: internet, telephone, printed material, etc.) – including but not limited to
o Audiotext
o Videotext
o Adult Book/Video Stores
o Modeling Agencies
o Massage Parlors
o Topless Bars/Clubs
o Companion/Escort Services, Dating Services
o MCC’s 5967,7273 and 7841
- Sports Forecasting/Odds Making
- Substances designed to mimic illegal drugs
- Tobacco Sales Online and/or Non-face-to-face
- Teeth Whitening (Internet/MOTO)
- Prescription Glasses and Prescription Hearing Aid (for Internet and MOTO)
- Timeshare Programs including resales and related marketing
- Transacting Virtual Currency or credits that can be monetized, re-sold or converted to physical or digital goods or services or otherwise exit the virtual world
- Travel Agencies
- Travel Clubs
- Unlicensed Replicas
- “Up-Sell” Merchants
- UseNet
- Warranty Companies and Extended Warranty Companies
- Government related services and fees. Be it Court compoundable or fines payment services, Tax payments, etc.,
- e-Vouchers
What are the required supporting documents?
–SSM e-Info (M&A, Form 7, 13, 25 for Labuan)
-Photocopy NRIC/Passport of signatory Business Owner/Directors/Shareholders/Committee Members
-Bank statement (First Page)
-Photo of business premises (interior & exterior) to show signboard & services provided
Sole Proprietor/Petty Trader/Partnership/LLP
-Other type of Registration Documents
Non-profit Organization/Association for Charitable, Political or Social
-Registration Certificate (issued by JPPM)
-Committee Organization Chart
-Minutes of meeting / AGM
For Ecommerce Application
-Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions
-Shipping Delivery Tax Invoice
Can a business already registered with Gkash sign up as a partner as well?
Yes, you can. As Gkash Customer, you already manage your transaction from your own merchant account. Once approved as a Gkash Partner, you even keep track your merchant’s transaction from the same account using the e-Gkash portal.
How can I track my earnings?
You can instantly configure and manage your customers as well as track your earnings directly from your intuitive e-Gkash Portal.
What is difference between white label and private label?
Private label is a brand sold exclusively in one retailer, for example, Equate (WalMart). White label is a generic product, which is sold to multiple retailers like generic ibuprofen (Advil).”
Why A White Label Solution Is Easier Than Building Your Own?
As an entrepreneur with a business problem, your first instinct may be to try do-it-yourself solutions. After all, that’s what entrepreneurship is all about, right?
Not always. In many cases, building a customized solution from scratch to meet the exact specifications of your business can be a setup for failure. That’s because building your own solution can lead you to:
- Reinvent the wheel, making mistakes that others before you have already made and mastered
- Dramatically slow down your time to market, as you try to troubleshoot and increase your learning curve outside your core competency
- Spend too much money developing tools and solutions that already exist in other formats
- Miss out on resources and expertise in the specific space where you need a focused solution
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